Is Storing Insulin a Problem? Well Not Anymore!

According to a study conducted by WHO, diabetes is becoming a growing challenge in India with an estimated 8.7% of the population suffering from diabetes and in the age group of 20 and 70 years. Around 70 million people suffering from diabetes and that number are expected to grow to 100 million by 2035.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 wherein the person’s body lacks insulin or type 2 where the body has very little insulin or cannot use the available insulin effectively.

A major issue that diabetic patients who are dependent on insulin face is to keep the insulin cool at a certain temperature. This becomes a problem for those patients who travel a lot and have no medium to give insulin the required temperature. If it is about traveling anywhere in India, we all know that the temperature keeps on changing and it is not cool enough for the insulin to be safe for use. The worry that arises now is how to keep the insulin secured?

The easy solution is the new technology VIVI CAP1, a reusable replacement cap for insulin pens. It is intended to keep insulin cool, with safe temperatures below 29°C, for a minimum of 12 hours even in a constant environmental temperature of 37.8°C.

VIVI cooling products are based on a patented combination of unique insulation material, heat-absorbing chemical together with monitoring and control electronics. The insulation is used in spacecraft’s, avionics, cryotherapy and other high performance demanding thermal insulation applications. The heat-absorbing chemical named Phase Change Material is commonly used in “green construction”. The proprietary technology used with VIVI products combines the three to tailor a user-friendly compact solution.

When the VIVI CAP1 is exposed to ambient temperatures above 29°C slow transition of the PCM material from solid to liquid commences. This transition, due to the insulation, takes a very long time to complete. During all this time the temperature inside the products which is in equilibrium with the drug chamber of the pens or vials is fixed to 28°C. The user can monitor the temperature using the push bottom of the electronics which provides an intuitive indication on the temperature of the drug.

Whenever the ambient temperature falls below 28°C the PCM starts to return to solid state again allowing it to regain its heat-absorbing property. It is enough for the products to remain overnight under such ambient conditions to reach that, without any action from the user.

VIVI CAP1 works in just one easy step- Replace your Pen’s cap with the VIVI CAP1 – that’s it!

It is an easy to use product with multiple benefits against the other products that are available for cooling insulin and keeping the temperature constant and is the best solution to your insulin-related problems.

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